Swiss SME Research Center China 1st Anniversary
by swisscham in Business
On August 28, the Swiss SME Research Center China (SSRCC) in Harbin, Heilongjiang province, celebrated its first anniversary. For this occasion, the Suteria Chocolata AG will open at the end of September its first Òchocolate shop”. Following the signing of the Free Trade Agreement between Switzerland and China, the Swiss SME Research Center China is a first concrete initiative by the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, providing Swiss and Chinese SMEs with a viable opportunity to gain a foothold in China respective Switzerland. FHNW staff and Chinese employees will be available as on-site contact partners. The FHNW School of Business was invited by the Party Secretary of the Heilongjiang Province to establish a center for Swiss and Chinese SMEs. The center aims to provide SMEs with an entry-point to the Chinese or Swiss market and the opportunity to make contact with local business partners. The center has the support of the highest authority in the provincial government.