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1-Day Training Program
Friday, October 12th, 2018 2018年10月12日 星期五 08:30-17:00 @Radisson Blue Hotel Shanghai New World 上海新世界丽笙大酒店
课程背景: “互联网女皇”玛丽米克尔在她最新的《2017互联网趋势报告》中指出:
中国移动互联网用户数已破7亿,同比增长12%,占互联网总体用户数量高达95.1%。2016年,互联网已经占据中国用户55%的媒体时间,移动互联网使用时长超过电视。 中国移动支付市场迅猛发展,百元以下小额交易占比快速增长,逐步取代现金。 中国电商在全球各大市场中渗透率增长最快,占全国社会商品零售总额15%。 中国在线广告收入达400亿美元,同比增长30%。 以上数据表明,中国消费者的衣食住行正向移动端深度倾斜,越来越多的人已经习惯了移动支付带来的便利性,即便是路边贩卖小吃的大妈,也知道如何通过二维码的扫一扫来收钱。过去20年信用卡没有搞定的事情,微信和支付宝仅仅用了2年。但同时,玛丽米克尔也认为,中国互联网公司很难再从数量上获得红利,正如马化腾和王兴曾提到的一样,每一个用户的时间、活跃度和购买力变得尤为重要。
Curriculum Background: “Internet Queen” Mary Meeker pointed in her latest Internet trends report 2017:
The number of mobile Internet users in China has exceeded 700 million, has a year-on-year growth of 12%, it accounts for 95.1% of the total number of Internet users. In 2016, the Internet has occupied 55% of the media time for Chinese users, and the time of using mobile Internet has outlasted TV. China’s mobile payment market is developing rapidly, with the proportion of small transactions under 100 yuan increasing rapidly and gradually replacing cash. China’s E-commerce penetration rate in the world’s major markets has increased the fastest, accounting for 15 percent of the country’s total social goods retail volume. Online advertising revenues in China reached $ 40 billion, up to 30% year-on-year growth. The above data show that Chinese consumers’ clothing, food, housing and transportation are deeply inclined towards the mobile end,more and more people have become accustomed to the convenience brought by mobile payment,even street food vendors know how to collect money by scanning a QR code. Those things that haven’t been cracked by credit cards in the past 20 years, WeChat and Alipay only spend two years to solve it. But at the same time, Mary Meeker also says, Chinese Internet companies will find it hard to get a dividend from the number side. As Ma Huateng and Wang Xing have noted, the time, activeness and purchasing power of each user becomes especially important.
课程收益 1. 面对税务稽查审计、社保审计、公积金审计、公示数据审计等监管,企业如何进行筹划。 2. 及时掌握理解及应用个人所得税法修改关键点及操作 3. 个税调整,高收入人群如何合理规划 4. 社保基数的统计口径:企业如何运用不同统计口径规避风险及社保成本,同时保障员工收益。
实战篇 Practice Chapter
第一讲 公众号的涨粉与变现 •涨粉和变现的2个大前提 •快速涨粉的9个有效方法 •持续变现的3个盈利模式 Lecture One Increase fans and turn into reality of official accounts •2 big premises of increase fans and turn into reality •9 effective methods to fast increase fans •3 profit models of continuous realization
第二讲 如何让你的公众号和粉丝值钱 •平台号、个人号、企业号怎么定位? •如何让你的品牌更值钱? •如何塑造公众号的品牌调性? Lecture Two How to make your official accounts and fans become valuable •How to locate the platform accounts, personal accounts and enterprise accounts? •How to make your brand more valuable? •How to shape the brand tonality of official accounts?
第三讲 新媒体运营的五个软实力 •选题:主编和小编,只差在这一点! •标题:如何写一个10万+的标题? •文案:高转化率的文案有什么创作套路? •排版:如何订制公众号的排版风格? •学习:如何拓宽新媒体行业的视野和见识? Lecture Three Five soft power of new media operation •Select topic:The chief editor and editor,that’s the only difference! •Headline:How do write a title worth 100,000 +? •Copywriter:What creative routines do a high conversion rate copy have? •Typesetting:How to customize the typesetting style of official accounts? •Learning:How to broaden the vision and knowledge of the new media industry?
第四讲 如何花式玩转公众号后台 •最全的公众号数据分析、解读、监测! •为什么我的公众号后台和你的不一样? •用上这些第三方插件,让公众号如虎添翼! Lecture Four How to manage the official accounts backstage diversely and differently •The most comprehensive official accounts data analysis, interpretation, monitoring! •Why is my official accounts backstage different from yours? •Use these third-party plug-in,Let the official accounts with might doubled!
理论篇 Theory Chapter 第五讲 互联网产品认知 •先从网红说起(绕不过去的2016)•认知升级& 知识变现(不可回避的2017) •中国互联网20年(发展规律) •互联网产品本质 •理解新媒体 •向正在生成的未来学习 Lecture Five Internet Product Cognition •Let’s start with cyber celebrity(2016 the year cannot bypass)• Cognitive Upgrade & Knowledge turn into reality (2017 the year cannot be avoided) •20 years of Chinese Internet (law of development) •The essence of Internet products •Understanding new media •Learn from the emerging future
第六讲 互联网产品运营 •运营黑客:AARRR•为新媒体准备一个故事 •内容和故事所扮演的角色 •新媒体的制胜『三角形』 •引诱、引诱、引诱,出击! •套路,全都是套路! Lecture Six Internet Product Operation •Operating hacker:AARRR•Prepare a story for the new media •The role that content and story play •The way that new media wins『Triangle』 •Lure、lure、lure,sortie! •Routine,all is routine!
About the Trainer 姜老师 Lecturer Jiang 斜杠中年。业界人称『大胡子』。 18年软件职业生涯。 36Kr.Kr空间私董会创业导师,『跨界疯人院』院长,『VTC』社群的联合创始人。 2000~2003年,先后为中科院计算所、IBM提供服务 2003年,第一次创业。为中石化、中石油提供软件开发服务。 2009年,第二次创业。专注互联网2C类产品。 2017年,转型投资人。 当年荣获36Kr.Kr空间年度荣誉导师。 自2011年,开始出席各类产品、开发者大会。 作为商业模式闭环的一部分,2010年起以咨询顾问、企业教练及外聘讲师的身份与多家企业、公司交流学习,教学相长。 Slash middle-aged. People called him “the big beard” in the industry. 18 years software career. 36Kr.Kr space private board entrepreneurial mentor,The dean of『Transboundary Lunatic Asylum』,Co-founder of the community in『VTC』. Between 2000~2003, He has successively provided services to the computing institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and IBM . In 2003,first time starting a business. Provide software development service for Sinopec and Petrochina. In 2009,the second undertaking, focus on Internet 2C products. In 2017,transform into an investor. Won the space year honorary advisor in the past From 2011,attend various product and developer conferences. As part of the closed circle of business model, He has been communicating and learning with many enterprises and companies as a consultant, enterprise coach and external lecturer since 2010.
Date & Time 日期&时间 Friday, October 12th, 2018 08:30- 17:00 2018年10月12日,上午八点半至下午五点
Agenda 日程安排: 08:30-08:55 Registeration 签到 09:00-10:30 Training Session 1 培训 10:30-10:40 Coffee Break 茶歇 10:40-12:00 Training Session 2 培训 12:00-13:00 Luncheon 午餐 13:00-15:30 Training Session 3 培训 15:30-15:45 Coffee Break 茶歇 15:45-17:00 Training Session 4 till end 培训
Language 培训语言: Chinese(中文)
Prices (价格):
Member: RMB2,800/person 会员价 Non-Member: RMB3,800/person 非会员价 Payment 付款方式 : Payment should be done in advance. 培训费用需提前支付 Payment details will be provided upon registration. 付款细节将随报名确认信一起提供
RSVP: Please register by October 10 请于2018年10 月10日 前登记报名
Cancellation of RSVP
In case you need to cancel your attendance to the event, please write an email to: at least 24 hours prior to the event. Failure to cancel your RSVP timely will require the payment of a “no show bill” of the full amount stated in this invitation. You can contact Nini Qi by telephone: 021 5368 1237. For third-party events, the event terms and conditions of the event organizer apply. 如果您要取消出席活动,请在活动开始前24小时写邮件给 。如未能及时取消,我们视同默认付款. 若非瑞士商会主办的活动,取消规则请参照活动主办发布的条款。
Radisson Blue Hotel Shanghai New World 上海新世界丽笙大酒店 88 Nanjing Road (W), Shanghai 上海市南京西路88号