Descendant of a Century-Long Swiss Family in Wine: We Want Make Something in China
by swisscham in Hospitality, Retail, Tourism
CHEERS, which has a high reputation among the new generation in China, is from a century-long Swiss family in wine since 1898. Ms. Lina of the Masueger family, whose husband had died prematurely, had to take care of the young children alone. So she became the pioneer to lead the family into the wine industry. In that era, independent working women were still rare. In order to provide a better life for the children, Ms. Lina bravely traveled between the Swiss and the Italian imports of barrels of wine. At first, she sold only to neighbors. Later, the business expanded, the whole family participated to work together from generation to generation. It takes this Swiss domestic wine business family a hundred years to extend their business to the world. Ms. Claudia relayed the family business and aimed the Chinese market. She and CHEERS has been stationed in China for 9 years and by 2017, there is a plan to open 100 CHEERS around China and her target is 888 in the future.