Switzerland Remains Biggest Offshore Wealth Centre
by eggplant in Business
The stock market boom boosted personal financial wealth around the globe by 12% last year – to the benefit of Switzerland. It is still the world’s biggest centre for managing offshore wealth at USD 2.3 trillion (CHF 2.3 trillion). Figures revealed in a Boston Consulting Group report published on 14 June put the country ahead of Hong Kong (USD 1.1 trillion) and Singapore (USD 900 billion). The Swiss sum is the equivalent of almost one third of all global overseas wealth. The two Asian centres have grown at yearly rates of 11% and 10% respectively over the past five years, compared with the 3% rate of Switzerland. “Over the next five years, offshore wealth seems likely to continue growing at a (compound annual growth rate) of roughly 5% per year,” the report stated. Large wealth managers including Swiss banks UBS and Credit Suisse are increasingly looking into Asian market because Swiss banking secrecy has been weakened.
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